Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Milk Teas

I've tasted milk teas ages ago.. But I started noticing how good it is when a bubble milk tea branch in sm cebu was opened. Then when i went to manila for my board exam review, my friend Rapunzel introduced me to Thousand Teas.

(picture source: googled it :P ... sorry )
Thousand teas became my fave milk tea shop not just because they have a great variety of milk teas, but because it is the BEST place to go for a Study-Out... To tell you the truth, I never went to thousand teas shop for their milkteas. I went there to study in peace. I was kinda having some budget constraints in staying in manila, so i usually purchased the cheapest one :P... But I just don't get it what's in that place that I can focus so much on my study materials...The stuffs that can take me 4hours to read can be done within 2hours when I go there... yeah there is definitely some enchantments there, lol... The place is also full of other med or paramedical students trying to do some studying. (UERM is actually just a walking distant :P )

..So yesterday, I met up with some of my great Shomba friends (Rap and Dandan). We went to the NEW JMALL and tried the COBO MILK TEA shop :P...

I ordered the Oolong tea maybe because of too much manga reading (most manga characters drink Oolong tea :P) ... I still can't say if Cobo milk tea is a great tea shop coz i haven't tried the rest of the stuffs in their menu.. My only complaint is that they don't know the password of their Wifi (soo lol, i know its very trivial :P )....

So I'm hoping to try once again Cobo milk tea when I can go back to JMall (Jmall is too far. Hence it's a big question when i can go back there )

- I also like Chowking's Nai cha...and C2 Milk Tea  LOL :p

(picsource: sorry , still googled it :P )

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