PART 3 of my "what i was addicted to in the times of my HIATUS" blog: 3rd year college edition
yeah right.. my last post about my addicitons of my hiatus years was november. and i was talking about my 2nd year college life at that time...
so now let's go to my one hell of a 3rdyear college ride... 3rd year is the PRIME of the medical technology course. We are taught about all the main subjects like micro, hema, immuno, cytogen, clinchem, clinmic..etc.. I'm kinda busy studying ,so i wasnt really able to have any kind of extra curricular addictions. I might have read some bits of manga like fairytail, watched some anime like Code Geass, romeoxjuliet, noein, haruhi suzumiya..etc..., also watched chickflick movies and the season 1 of OneTreeHill, but then it was all short lived.
Half of my 3rdyear life was like spent in Mcdonalds. We made that place our own study area. Because I am very "thrifty", i only buy fries and sundae even if stayed there for the whole day.
Because i abused Mcdonald's so much, i felt like NOT wanting to get inside there and just the smell of it's chicken (or any mcdonald's related products) makes me puke....
So, I transferred to a different place and spent the other half of my 3rdyear life in the STUDY CENTER...
I may be a very "thrifty" person, I was still willing to pay for that Study Center place. It is very conducive for studying. it is fully air-conditioned, full of med and law students studying and is very VERY peaceful (even your snore might interrupt the serious studying peepz).
(*I have no picture of the epic Study center i always stayed a lot. So, i just posted a pic of my ever beloved Jolibee :P. If you are guessing that i LOVE jolibee chicken joy, then yes you are RIGHT :p)
The whole 3rdyear life was also full of worries of not passing the exams. I seldom pass our major exams. the highest i can get is 70 (which is our passing grade) and most of my grades are in the range of 30-50. Yeah i know my grades are a pitty...

I really don't know how in the world i passed and got to my internship. I was really at the mercy of my very GOOD 3RDYEAR teachers.. I will definetely NEVER forget all my professors since first year to thirdyear. they taught me lots of new stuffs that i was never able to internalize when i was in my lazy highschool days...
yeah we all came out victorious after the mind blowing 3rdyear life... but honestly speaking, even if i experienced sleepless tiring nights, i still want to go back to 3rdyear... My life in internship wasnt the same anymore. Internship made me dumb and feel pretty useless (yeah right the drama)... so i might or might NOT blog about my internship years (bitter much? lol) .....
even if i was very busy studying, i was REALLY REALLY ADDICTED TO CODE GEASS: Lelouch of the Rebellion....
i am not much of a CLAMP art fan, but i got really drawn into the deep story and the amazing dialogues of code geass :p... and as of the romeoxjuliet, it was all the fault of jonti that i got into it :P