Saturday, July 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to my dear Prince Heechul :)*

        10th of July 2010

Kim Heechul...

                 the most eccentric,


                                         and most random member of Super Junior...

.. no one can compare you to others... You are Unique..

                     and you make stuffs that makes you as YOU....
...Thank you For always making us ELFs smile the most...

                             thank you for sharing to us your happiness and tears...

...thank you for sharing to us your Whole LIFE...

...We hope that in this special day of yours,

        our Love for You can reach you even if oceans, countries and language separate us....

we hope that we can make you
                          smile with all your HEART...<3


                                                        My PRINCE......


... From the girl who loves you of who You Really Are  ...*veniCHE***

(pics got from @Heenimbiased, and some other sources that i cannot recall)

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